BettyBlaze #Tech #Gaming #Owning@ Life

BettyBlaze aka ={DMG}=Girlswguns findings on Gaming, Tech, Social Media, MMa ish things. Snarky comments, insightful bashings, help, opinions, news, tips, reviews, laughs & guides for the lazy, supersmart, and technically challenged

Fix Broken Things at the Repair Cafe in the Netherlands | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities

At this cafe you can bring the need to be fixed and meet up with people that know how to fix them. Feeling feels like in this day in age people throw away too many things, things that can easily be fixed and I completely agree with her. So many times have I heard or seen people throwing things away (including fine jewelry) to have simple and cost-efficient Solutions. Some of the solutions, are as easy as buying jump ring , and using a pair of pliers. Who wants to set one of these up with me in the San Francisco Bay Area?

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This entry was posted on January 4, 2014 by in Tech News and tagged .

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